Liliom is a man of extremes, in love with the lights and smiles of the amusement park and running away from the problems of reality. Will he be able to get off the merry-go-round and end the masquerade when fate clashes him with unconditional love? Will his journey to an unexpected place teach him to recognize and respect the border line between good and evil?
Ferenc Molnár's play, written more than a century ago, resonates fully as of today and the staging by the young director Ivaylo Nenov will fascinate you with its incredible mix of reality and fantasy, humor, pathos and irony, tenderness and tragedy.
Спектакълът „Лилиом“ на Драматичен театър „Сава Огнянов“ разказва легендата за съвременния човек, заменил искреното човешко общуване с привлекателния пъстър маскарад. Маскарад, в който никой не е това, за което се представя..