Ivaylo Nenov

Ivaylo Nenov is a director at the Sava Ognyanov Theatre, Ruse.
He graduated with a Bachelor's Degree in Acting in the class of Prof. Dr. Atanas Atanasov (2011) and a Master's Degree in Directing in the Performing Arts in the class of Prof. Krasimir Spasov (2017) at NATFA "Krastio Sarafov". He also studied theatre directing at UNATC, National University of Theatre and Film "I.L. Caragiale" Bucharest, Romania.
While still a student, he debuted on the stage of the Satirical Theatre "Aleko Konstantinov", Sofia, in "The Women in the National Assembly" directed by Marius Kurkinski. Next followed appearances on the stages of several other theatres in Sofia and a brief stint in the ensemble of the Dramatic Theatre Konstantin Velichkov in Pazardzhik. In 2013 he joined the ensemble of Sava Ognyanov Drama Theatre, Ruse. Some of his more significant roles during this period are Robinson in "Without Dowry", Alonso in "Afternoon Games", Naiden in "Masters", Gochoolu in "Mr Ganyo" and Malvolio in "Twelfth Night".
Режисьорският му дебют е на русенска сцена с представлението „Бурунданга“ от Жорди Галсеран  (дипломен спектакъл). Междувременно трупа опит като асистент-режисьор на Боян Иванов и Теди Москов. През 2019 г. поставя „Три сватби и едно възкресение“ – своя авторска адаптация по мотиви от „Слуга на двама господари“ на Карло Голдони. По-късно същата година поставя спектакъла „Пет пъти за една нощ“ от Киара Атик, с който открива новата сцена в Сатиричен театър „Алеко Константинов“, София.
Awarded the Slavi Shkarov Prize for Best Young Theatre Director, in 2019, for the performance "Three Weddings and a Resurrection".

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